Saturday, December 9, 2006

Job Search

Job Search Turned TOXIC? Time For An Alternative Job Campaign! by Paul Megan

Let's see if you're ready for an alternative job campaign.

Have you ever had this experience? . . . You go through a series of job search bad news events. They just seem to pile up, don't they? The French say there are never two without three.

It's time for the amazing alternative job campaign!

Why? Because, if you've been having negative experiences in the job market, your campaign has turned toxic! And the worst thing you can do is "stay the course." It won't get any better.

For example, here's how these bad news events can accumulate:

1. Your resumes don't get answered . . . even when you send out hundreds.

2. You can't get any quality interviews.

3. The couple interviews you went on . . . you never heard from them again.

4. You never did get to meet a decision-maker.

5. They asked you questions that seemed totally irrelevant.

6. You're just plain tired of all the rejection.

OK. Time to shift gears. Time to change course.

Fortunately there is a better alternative. You don't have to sit by the phone waiting for someone to invite you in for an interview. Or chew your fingernails because your resumes received little or no response. Or, worst of all, wonder how you're going to make ends meet.

Welcome to the amazing world of the alternative job campaign!

You'll put together a blockbuster alternative resume and a way to use it that's guaranteed to grab attention without mailing hundreds. And you'll get directly in front of decision-makers . . . you know, the one's who could be your next boss.

Best of all, if you follow the alternative job campaign plan, you could be entertaining a quality job offer in as little as two weeks.

Now, let me be honest. This two-week plan is not a lay down. It employs unique alternative strategies and tactics that require you to throw out everything you thought you knew about the job market and how hiring decisions are made.

The alternative job campaign works because it based on a common sense approach to job market dynamics based on bottom up analysis of what really goes on in today's complex marketplace. It understands that the job marketplace follows the same rules as the business marketplace.

So, take a long, hard look at your situation. If it's toxic, get out now! But shift into an approach that going to give you the best chance to succeed . . . one with a track record of many years with thousands of successful job-seekers. It's time to explore an alternative job campaign.

About the Author
Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies . . . since 1985. Grab our stunning FREE REPORT: "How To Find A Job In As Little As 14 Days!" Click on RSS for instant info!

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